Japanese style sweet potato Snacks suitable for IF makers

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If asked which method of losing weight is currently the most popular, probably IF because people greet this word so familiar that it seems to be a general word that everyone must know.

IF or Intermittent Fasting is a weight loss method that is not strictly about what to eat, but focuses on when we can have time to eat (Feeding) and when to fast (Fasting), so it doesn’t look complicated or fussy. to find something to eat Just set the time to eat ourselves only. 

And that seems to be even more convenient because the time of fasting or eating depends on the lifestyle of each person as well. Most of them eat dinner a little early. 

During fasting, it’s time to sleep, which doesn’t need to be eaten. and start eating breakfast, etc.

The timing starts in 24 hours, may be divided into 14 hours of fasting, 10 hours of eating. And then increasing to 16 hours of fasting, 8 hours of eating.

Which is the popular number 16/8, which IF people greet each other. like a secret code Once you get used to it, it will increase to 20/4 or skip every other day.

The principle of this approach is that when we ingest food, the body secretes the hormone insulin to allow insulin to bring food into the cells. The body will get energy mainly from the food we eat. We become fat. Therefore, we should eat less in a given time to allow the body to use the stored fat. It makes us thinner, flat belly, and a leaner figure. But this fasting will take some time to see results. Studies have shown that if IF goes for about 3 weeks, the waistline starts to decrease. If you keep doing this for 2 months you should lose 8% of your weight.

This way, although it doesn’t seem like it’s a hassle to find something to eat. But if eating things that are not difficult to digest Or some healthy food should help the body improve. such as Japanese-style sweet potato Sweet potato is a plant that everyone may be afraid that eating will make you fat because it is mainly carbohydrates. But may not know that it is a good carbohydrate that provides energy. Eat and feel full. It does not turn into starch and sugar like carbohydrates from rice or other plants. therefore does not increase sugar in the body Some people eat sweet potatoes to help them lose weight because they fill their stomachs.

Apart from eating and not getting fat yellow flesh Or yellow-orange sweet potatoes are also full of beta-carotene, excellent. Contains vitamin A that helps nourish eyesight. strengthen the body’s immune system It is also a good source of calcium. Which helps keep teeth and bones strong. Helps reduce osteoporosis problems that cause bones to become brittle and easily broken. By postmenopausal women who need more calcium than usual.

This menu is not limited to IF people, but people who love health or like to eat delicious food should try it.