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Tag Archives: cooking

Protein foods that are good for vegetarians.

In fact, all fruits and vegetables contain protein. Some types may have small quantities. However, some types have enough quantity to complement a vegetarian meal. Examples of protein-rich foods that are easily available and affordable are as follows: 1. Soybeans. It is a food that provides more than

White beans and reducing blood sugar levels.

White beans are a type of plant in the legume family that is rich in various nutrients. Such as protein, fiber, as well as various vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body. Many people therefore believe that eating white beans can help them lose weight. And

Cholesterol And Beliefs And Facts You Should Know.

Beliefs about Cholesterol vary widely. But are those statements true or false? You should study to know for sure. This is because is link to many health problems. Wrong understanding may have negative effects on health care. Cholesterol is a type of fat that circulates in the bloodstream. It is

Preventing diarrhea.

Diarrhea can occur frequently in everyday life. Gastrointestinal infections are the main cause of diarrhea. Maintaining cleanliness and choosing hygienic food will prevent infections that lead to diarrhea. By following these basic instructions. Although diarrhea is usually a mild symptom, But it may cause suffering to the patient and

5 snack menus for pregnant women.

Mothers who are looking for snacks for pregnant women. You may try using the following menu as an idea for eating snacks during pregnancy.  Apple During pregnancy the body is undergoing many changes. One problem that many mothers often encounter is constipation.  One way to help relieve this

Mango and its antioxidant properties.

Mango pulp is rich in mangiferin, which is a natural polyphenol that acts as an antioxidant. By preventing damage to the body from free radicals. This may be a risk factor for developing vascular disease or cancer. In addition, antioxidants play an important role in treating or

How to choose carbohydrates to eat for good health?

The benefits of carbohydrates are more than you think. But many people avoid carbohydrates because they believe they cause weight gain. In fact, it may be the result of eating too many carbohydrate-rich foods. Also, trying to completely cut out from your main meals can have a negative

Benefits of pepper.

Pepper a hot and spicy food that has been in Thai kitchens for a long time. Whether it’s pounded with garlic and coriander roots as a basic ingredient in a variety of dishes. Used to marinate meat to give it a spicy flavor and help remove the