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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Why Women Need Calcium

Why Women Need Calcium What Is Calcium? Calcium is an essential mineral vital for numerous bodily functions. Essential means you must get it from food or supplements, as the body is not able to make it. Most notably, calcium is essential for the development and

List of foods to relieve stress

List of foods to relieve stress Bananas  a fruit full of potassium and minerals, are rich in bananas that can help reduce stress. Bananas also contain tryptophan and amino acids that help release happy chemicals. Dark chocolate contains Flavonols that help lower blood pressure and are

Top Lifestyle Tips to Boost Improve Testosterone Levels

Top Lifestyle Tips to Boost Improve Testosterone Levels Lifestyle and dietary changes can be made to maintain normal testosterone levels or even raise testosterone to a healthier level. These include:  There are also several natural supplements that have been shown to boost testosterone levels: Before

6 principles of correct weight loss

6 principles of correct weight loss Losing weight is good for your body. It will help you be healthier, free from excess fat in your body that is more than necessary. Your blood pressure, fat, and blood sugar will improve, keeping you away from diseases

Obesity Defined

Obesity Defined Obesity is defined as an excess amount of body fat. It’s standardly measured using the body mass index (BMI), which divides a person’s weight by their height: This value is used to assess whether a person has a healthy body weight or not. BMI is